Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nasty ol' ear infection

It's 3:45 a.m. The only time 3:45 a.m. is an acceptable time is when I'm getting up to head to the airport to catch a flight to Hawaii, which ironically  this is the morning that we would leave if we were going there for Thanksgiving (DAD. HELLO????)

Jaycie is up. She has a nasty ear infection. We went to urgent care earlier today.

Let me back up. Jaycie woke up Saturday morning happy. She got fussy about 9am, but I just thought she was ready for her morning nap, so I put her back down. She woke up about  and was not happy. When I got her up she was burning up. I took her temp and it was only 99.4. We ate lunch and she remained unhappy. I certainly couldn't put her down and she fussed even in my arms. I took her temp again and it was 100.5. In "baby word" 100.4 is the magic number for when the doctors will start to take your seriously that something may be wrong. I went to the girls' room and rocked Jaycie who immediately started batting her left ear.


Jadyn had many ear infections so I knew right away that Jaycie must have one.

I headed to Urgent Care to make sure I was right and get antibiotics if so. My Mom met me there. I'm so thankful because they ask you to fill out about 3 pages of paperwork that I couldn't not have done if I had to hold Jaycie while doing it.

Jaycie was very hot while I was holding her and the nurse took her temp and told me she didn't have one. Um, wrong. She does. The doctor came in and asked me a few questions and I thought she was going to "blow me off" but then she felt Jaycie and said that she thought Jay had a temp too and looked in her right ear. The doc said her right ear was red but not an infection. They she looked in the left and was like "Oh my gosh this is nasty."

So here I am. I just put more ear drops in her ear and moved her to the playroom. She's kind of fake crying. I'm waiting to make sure that's all it's going to be and then I'm headed back to bed (if Jadyn hasn't taken my spot). I'm hoping that tomorrow about 5pm things are better because that will be the 24hr mark on antibiotics. My poor baby hurts. And that makes this Mama hurt. :(

Sweet baby, just wants to be snuggled.

I tried a cool rag on her head (the top is the only place it would stay put). It seemed to help for a little while.

Here is sassy big sister. I will post this whole pic another day because this is just her head and her "pose" tells the other part of the story.

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