Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Grandma Carmen - this one is for you!

On Saturday Jadyn announced that we needed to "spruce up her room" (her words). When I asked her what she meant she said we needed to paint.

Um, no.

So, instead I offered to rearrange her room. I wasn't sure she would be in to it, but she was. We moved her bed and in doing so moved out the rocking chair (that breaking sound you hear is my heart...). She LOVED not having the chair in her room because she has so much more play space!

Then she asked if we could clean out her closet so her dress up clothes could be in there too. I thought it was a great idea and off we went.

I was nervous that she wouldn't sleep well or that we'd need the rocker or.... but she's done great!

Here is what it looks like, and Grandma she asked me to show you! :)


  1. Awe.. how cute is she! She is her momma's daughter for sure! Can't wait to see it this weekend! :)

  2. I just can't believe she wanted to paint. I told her we would have to wait a few years. AHHH! She is her mother's child! :)
