About 6 months ago Jadyn got an American Girls magazine in the mail. I didn't think too much about it and gave it to her to look through. Holy cats. That was probably not the best idea I've ever had. She fell in love with it. She wanted everything in it. She even SLEPT with the magazines. Honestly, it was pretty cute. Then she started talking about wanting an American Girl doll. I was never into AG so I thought it was kind of silly but it's all she could talk about. She kept asking and asking until finally her daddy told her to talk to Nana about it. Jadyn and Nana decided it would make a great birthday present. So she waited. In the meantime I was able to take her to the American Girl store at Oak Park Mall. That sealed the deal. She was in LOVE. :)
Then Jadyn discovered the Bity Babies at the American Girl store. She decided she needed one of those too, so she worked Aunt Kathy. :) This child can be very persuasive if need be.
She had to wait 6 months but she did indeed get her American Girl, McKenna and her Bity Baby, who came without a name but we call Molly.
Greg and I gave Jadyn a choice for her present - she could get a new princess dress from Disney store or something for her new dolls. Up until the night we took her shopping (her birthday) she wanted the dress, but after getting McKenna and Molly home she changed her mind and opted for something for the AG store.
We are currently working desperately on Papa to take us to Chicago (or New York) so we can go to the big American Girl store and have tea and everything. (Then Disney World will be our major focus... one thing at a time you know)
Here she is at her party. She's holding Molly, the bity baby. McKenna's in the box behind her. The thing next to McKenna is the carrying case she got for McKenna. It's pretty cool too and can be worn as a backpack. The outfits she is holding are matching outfits for McKenna and Molly that Aunt Kathy got.
Jadyn downstairs doing some art with McKenna (who has wild hair) and Molly. No, these are not real people but I sometimes think I now have 2 extra children.
Jadyn picked out the bath tub from Mommy and Daddy for her present. It's rather impressive how much detail they put in to it. It kinda puts Barbie stuff to shame!
I told Jadyn that the next magazine she gets we need to mark things for Christmas presents and she said, "Well, I already know what I want. I need the bathroom sink next for my girls." Bummer. I was kinda hoping she would want the bed.... Maybe Santa can be a little more selective! :)