Sunday, September 23, 2012

A BIG weekend at the Franz house!

We had a big weekend at our house! I was going to say big news, but then I thought someone might think I was preggo and I am not ready for that thought to be thought by anyone.

Instead we have..... TEETH!
Jaycie had her second tooth pop through. You can see them when she smiles. So stinkin' cute! And my sweet little baby Jemma has her first! It's just barely though but it's there and we can feel it. I texted my family to tell them our big news and my sister-in-law responded with, "you know you are deep in Mommy-hood when you get excited about teeth! Way to go!" I thought that was so sweet! Thanks Megan!.

Jaycie's teeth

The roughest part of our day is always evening from 6-7:45. The babies start to get extra fussy and needy just about the time the fatigue of the day begins to set in. We have finally figured out that if we spread out a blanket and just lay them together we will get 20-30 minutes of "play time" where they usually just torture each other, but it looks like playing. Today, though they held hands! They've done it before but today was different. It looked deliberate and it lasted much longer. It was kind of like "It's okay, sissy, I'm right here." I LOVED it!

After I snapped a few shots our other big news happened: Jemma FINALLY rolled over! Jaycie's been doing it forever but Jemma has just not been interested. Jemma is very interested in sitting up, but rolling over... not so much. We were very excited that she finally gave in and rolled over. I've seen her do it before, but it was so isolated I thought it was just a fluke, now I think she was like "seriously, that's all this is - no big deal."



I have some Jadyn updates as well, but I will save them for another night!

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