Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Franz Family Plague - the aftermath

Things are getting back to normal around here. I hate to say that because I'm sure it will jinx me. It also makes me chuckle because I say things are getting back to normal around here as allergy season gears up for a full blast attack. Anyhoo, thanks for the prayers.

You didn't think you were getting rid of me that easily did you? I need to share something else.

Something exciting happened while the babies were sick.
I finally bonded with Jaycie.

You see, the NICU takes away important bonding time with your baby. I missed the first 18 days of their lives - snuggling, cuddling, swinging, singing, talking with, and just being Mom. Then to add insult to injury the babies came home on monitors which added an additional issue when it came to all of those things. So, it really wasn't until the end of April that we were able to do whatever we wanted to do with our babies. By that time the pattern had already been set.

Please know, I love and have loved Jaycie since she came home. I hold her, cuddle with her, and all of those things since the beginning but I bonded with Jemma. That doesn't mean I liked her better - it just means she reached for me more than Jaycie and other things like that.

But when Jaycie got sick this past week everything changed. Jaycie only wants Mama. She laughs when she sees me, she throws herself out of people's arms so that she can get to me.

It is awesome.
I didn't even know how much I missed it until it happened.

Jemma has been doing this for quite sometime and really I didn't notice too much with Jaycie. I just figured she wasn't as much of a cuddler. Actually, I just thought it would come later. Jadyn is much much more of a snuggle buddy (on her own will) now then she was when she was littler - she always wanted to go-go-go. Jaycie is the same way. She is always on the move.

Now, it's to get to me first.
**insert ginormous grin**

So even in the midst of the horrible Franz Family Plague, God did something big. He helped me - a whole year later - have that bonding time with my Jaycie.
And now, I am thankful for the double ear infections and the diarrhea.

I am truly thankful the the blessings God has given me in my 3 girls. They are absolutely delightful. I am one lucky Mama!

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