Monday, April 2, 2012

The details

This could be boring, but I really needed a place to write this down that I won't lose until I get around to the baby books. ;) Read if you would like!

March 12 - All day doc appts. Saw Dr. C in the morning. She told me that I was in great shape to carry the babies 3 more weeks. My Ultrasound was great. My non-stress test was okay. I passed it, but was very uncomfortable in the process.

March 13 - Greg took me to get my haircut. We did somethings around the house. At 3:00 Greg left to go pick Jadyn up from school. At 3:40 I had been sitting on the couch but decided to stand up and tidy up the kitchen. When I stood up and took a few steps (to the hardwood floors) my water broke! At first I thought I had lost control of my bladder, but when it kept coming and coming I knew that this was different. My phone was in the kitchen so I had to walk that direction leaving what Greg called a river of water though the living room. I called my doc's office first and they told me to get to the hospital. Then I tried Greg (but he had left his phone at home). I called Lori to head to the house to watch Jadyn and I called Kathy to cover for Lori until she could get there. Then I called my Mom who had to leave play practice to come to the hospital.

4:00: When we got to the hospital they hooked me up to monitors and then did what seemed like a "PH" check to see if it had indeed been my water that broke. It was. And, I was 2cm dilated plus she could feel Jaycie's head.
4:30: At that point things started to get urgent. I started having contractions. The hospital started moving in fast mode to prep for the C-Section. After looking over the chart he got rather concerned and everything started moving even faster.

I'm not sure of the the times from here on, but at 6:33 baby A was born and at 6:34 baby B was born.
Both of the girls were taken to the NICU immediately, Greg went with them. Jaycie CPAP for 6 hour and Jemma was on it for 12 hours.

March 14 - I was finally taken down to see the girls.

March 15 - Both of the girls started milk/formula in a feeding tube. They started earlier than the docs thought they would be able too and had very little residual.

March 19 - The girls both had on onesies for the first time. They looked like babies :)

March 20 - The girls both got their iv's out. One step closer to home.

March 21 - The girls took their first bottles. Jaycie had 1 for the day and Jemma had 3.

March 22 - Mommy got to hod both babies at the same time!!

March 23 - Jaycie got moved from her pod to the crib

March 24 - Daddy got to hold both babies at the same time

March 25 - Jemma got moved from pod to crib. Jaycie's weight was 5.3; Jemma 4.14

March 26 - Both girls got their feeding tubes out.

March 27 - Both girls have been bottles for 48 hours

March 28 - Jaycie weighs 5.4, Jemma 5

March 29 - Jaycie goes home

March 30 - Jemma home.

We are tired but so so happy to have everybody home and learning a new routine!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the details and they were not boring at all. The girls are beautiful just like their mom and big sis. I am so thankful things have gone well. I have been praying for you and those babies and your whole family. Congrats and I look forward to watching and hearing about this new adventure in your family!!

    Love, Shelly
