Friday, August 2, 2013


I have fought long and hard.
I fought long and hard with Jadyn and I won (no tubes, allergy medicine did the trick). I did not win with Jaycie.
On August 21, Jaycie will get tubes for her ears to help reduce and hopefully eliminate the ear infection battle we've been up against. The poor thing just cannot drain fluid out of her ears! It just stays in there and gets icky. She's a trooper and it doesn't usually seem to bother her but nevertheless she has an ear infection every time we get to the doctor. Who knows how many she's had that we haven't caught.

Anyway we visited a highly recommend ENT and he said she was definitely a candidate for tubes. Unfortunately we were not able to get in before school starts. (I think it has something to do with the fact that he only does the procedure 1 day a week). It's a bummer but Greg and I should both be able to arrange to be there with her. They will not put her completely under with an IV she will be put under with laughing gas.

Anyway, would you mark you calendar and pray for my sweet girl? We haven't been told a time yet but we do know they do the surgery in order of youngest to oldest so I'm pretty sure she will be fairly early in the day. She will be in the hospital for a few hours and then should be back to her normal self later that day. Pray for this Mama and Daddy too as we are dreading the whole hospital/surgery/recovery thing.

We are thankful to find a solution to all the ear infections though.
I will remind you.
I will keep you posted.
Thank you!

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