Sunday, December 30, 2012


When we had our first snow day the week before Christmas. It was exciting. :)

Jadyn desperately wanted to play outside but the snow caught us off guard and I hadn't bought bigger sized snow gear.

So, we improvised. Much to her dismay she had to wear jeans outside. GASP!
She threw a fit about the layering but I held strong.
Rain boots doubled as snow boots.
Her brains are a bit big for her hat.

I had her all bundled up and then realized that we didn't have gloves.


I got a pair of socks and she had "mittens."

That's right, I'm aiming for Mom-of-the-year! 

She had Daddy had a blast - for 10 whole minutes in the snow! 
(note - yes, Daddy is in carhart coveralls...)

 Snow angels!
She had snow EVERYWHERE. It's a good thing she only stayed out for 10 minutes. 

Seriously, she is just about the sweetest thing ever. LOVE her!! And her mitten hands :) 


Disclaimer 1: Most of these photos were shot from inside the house. I used our bigger lens and shot through the screens on the windows. Not to shabby :)

Disclaimer 2: Nana heard of my instant snow outfit and has since outfitted Jadyn with proper snow attire. :)

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