Thursday, December 20, 2012

A night at King's Crown

Any Fancy Nancy readers out there? We have one at our house. She LOVES Fancy Nancy! In fact I'm thinking about redoing the play room "Fancy Nancy" style! Anyway, in the books Fancy Nancy always goes to the local restaurant called the King's Crown.

Jadyn thinks Crown Center is the King's Crown. Haha! I refuse to officially correct her because it's so stinking cute! We made our annual trip down to Crown Center on Wednesday night. We started this tradition the year Jadyn was born. They have the best Santa. We took Jaycie and Jemma for their first Santa pictures.

This year we had the added bonus of getting to take Grandma Carmen with us! She is in town for the week and gladly came along with Greg and I and my parents! We had a blast.

My Dad graciously snapped pictures while I acted a fool trying to get the girls to smile for their official picture. Here is all three of my babies.

Jemma - having a little moment with Santa. Ha! I think she's asking him for a break from Jaycie. (More on their wrestling later)

Then we took the babies off of Santa and let Jadyn have her moment. I was shocked that she actually talked to him. He asked her if she always picked up her toys and she said yes. Then he asked if she went to bed right when Mommy asked and she said yes. Later I asked her about those two questions and Jadyn said, "Mom, I lied to Santa." I almost died laughing. :)

After Santa we had dinner at Milan - the Italian restaurant at The King's Crown. It was yummy but the babies were starting to get nutty so I didn't have a chance to snap any pictures.

After dinner Jadyn and Daddy had ice cream. Jadyn had a sundae that had gummy worms on top.
 Sweet sweet picture of 2 of my loves!

We had a delightful evening! The girls did 1000x better than I expected! Yay!

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