Thursday, November 29, 2012


People have been asking us forever if we see personalities in each of the girls. I know the politically correct answer is yes, but honestly, until recently the answer was no. In the last couple of weeks though we have started seeing major differences in the girls. Not only do they look very different but they act very different too!

Let me demonstrate for you. Here the sweet little girlies were both wanting the same toy.
Jemma got it first. She is happy happy happy. Jaycie...not so much. She's a little ticked that Jemma has the toy.

Jemma keeps playing with the toy but is very interested in her Mama. She's talking to me watching me laughing with me. Jaycie - TOY. 

So while my little social Jemma is still playing with Mommy, focused Jaycie reaches over and gets the toy. Jemma doesn't even notice.

And when it's all said and done... everyone is happy happy happy! Jaycie got the toy she was so focused on 
 And Jemma got to keep playing with Mommy!

Right now at 8 1/2 months the girls are so different it's fun! Jemma is very very social. She talks all the time. She has said Dada a few times. She laughs HARD when you bounce her or kiss her neck. She laughs so hard that I laugh when she's laughing. It's fantastic! She doesn't move as much (although she moves just fine and can do whatever she wants) she'd just rather hang out and talk.
Jaycie is focused. She sees a toy and she goes after it. She isn't officially crawling but she gets where ever she wants to get quickly. She has already discovered the presents under the tree and has tried to rip them open. If I move her after she's crawled someplace she shouldn't be - she goes right back. She tries to mimic facial expressions and also laughs a lot. 

It's fun. We've been in "survival" mode for so many months that it's nice to finally remember what it's like to have babies in the house. We still have our survival times but we also are starting to get to spend more individual time with the girls and getting to know them better! 

Between the 3 of them.... We are in for quite a ride!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word - I love ever one of these pictures!!! so stinkin cute!!!! I need to hear the hard laughter next time we hang out!!
