Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Franz Family Plague - Day 10

It all started the day of the twins birthday party.

As you may recall the babies were a bit snotty the day of their party. I attributed it to teething or possibly allergies since we had had some warmer weather. It only made them slightly cranky but nothing too impossible to work with. Little did I know.

Saturday morning Jadyn woke up feeling crummy. I found out later that she actually started feeling crummy Friday night - I just wasn't aware of it. She was super congested. By Saturday night she had gunky eyes. Uh oh.

Sunday morning I made Greg take her to urgent care at our peds office. I wanted to quadruple check that it wasn't pink eye.
(Can you believe they got put in the Star Wars room? Greg was excited. Haha)
It wasn't. But they did give us an antibiotic as a preventative for pink eye. More of a "let's be on the safe side." Well, we went to get the drops for her eye and they were crazy expensive so we didn't get them.

By Monday afternoon she was worse. We needed the drops. A friend got them for us and together the 3 of us got the drops in her eyes.

By now the babies were starting to get more congested. But no goopy eyes.

Tuesday everybody stayed the same.

Wednesday morning Jadyn seemed better so I let her go to school. She had a fine day - she loves school so was happy to be there. She and I came home and snuggled. At 3:40 she woke up from a short nap and started screaming. She screamed until 4:20 when my Mom could get here and take her back to urgent care.

Ear infection.
By Wed night poor thing was on 4 meds.

By Thursday night she was a new girl. Feeling much better, but her sisters had taken a turn for the worse. Now they had goopy eyes.

Friday was the same.

Saturday the babies were fussy but we thought they were getting better - turning a corner. It was a nice feeling.


Sunday Jemma came down with a fever.


I am currently in a state of denial.
I'm pretending it isn't snowing outside.
I'm pretending my girls are all happy and healthy.
I'm pretending my house is clean.
I'm pretending the laundry isn't overflowing.

I think I will stay here for awhile.

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