Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The girls are 8 weeks old today and I need to stop and remind myself about each of them - separately. We were told before the girls were born that they are fraternal twins, but 2 weeks ago at our last NICU follow-up appointment the doctor said she thought they may be identical. The only way to know for sure is an expensive test so we will just wait and see! I can tell you though that they have moments of being very different and every day I see more changes in their personalities.

Jaycie seems to be the more even tempered of the two. She was this way in the womb too. She loves to be snuggled, she likes to sleep with her hands tucked in to her halo sack, when she's hungry she cries but as soon as I pick her up she seems to know that it's coming and calms down. She is slow eater. She almost always finishes but takes her sweet time. She has "thrown up" 3 times. It's a massive spit up and isn't pleasant. Last time I had to take a shower after she did it because it went down my shirt and in my hair. It seems to happen most when I try to get her to finish off the bottle or when she is trying to poop and eat at the same time.  Her fussy time is in the evening and can be resolved by holding her (which is great except it's during Jadyn's bed time....and Jadyn doesn't like company during her time!).

Currently during the night Jaycie and I are a team. I am grateful for the extra snuggle time during the night with her. Often times during the day she eats first so I don't get to snuggle with her after she's finished because Jemma is screaming by then!

My little Jaycie bug
(she wiggled her arms out of her sack! This is how Jadyn and Greg sleep too!).

I'm anxious to see how her personality continues to develop. We are so blessed to have her as part of our life!

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